Cramp Bark Extra

Humboldt Herbals
Exceeding expectations since 1998
Store Hours: Mon-Sat 10:30am-5:30pm, Sun 11am-5pm
Call us at (707) 442-3541
Utilizing the rich history of traditional medicine, and combined with empirical data, this thoughtful formula supports a healthy uterine response to smooth muscle contractions during menses.
Valerian root, Black Haw, Black Cohosh and Ginger root offer traditional soothing and tonic support for the uterus.
Research indicates Vitamin B3 (niacin) as promoting a healthy uterine response during menses; Vitamin C and Rutin seem to support the positive effect niacin has on the uterus.
A little extra Calcium and Magnesium offers gentle musculoskeletal relaxation support.
Vitamin B6 promotes relaxation and Vitamin E is strongly indicated in research for healthy menstrual uterine tissue.
Indications: Promotes healthy uterine tissues and a healthy response to muscle contractions with nutritional science and traditional herbal support.
Contains: Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B3, Calcium, Magnesium, Rutin, Cramp bark, Valerian root, Black Cohosh root, Ginger root.
Suggested Use: One (1) to three (3) capsules every three hours up to four times daily during menstruation.
Contraindications: Avoid use of this product during pregnancy and lactation.